martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Food Safety for Persons with Chronic Illnesses |

Food Safety for Persons with Chronic Illnesses |

08/02/2012 08:00 PM EDT

Source: Dept. of Health and Human Services
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Coping with Chronic Illness, Food Safety
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Food Safety for Persons with Chronic Illnesses

Chronic illnesses Food Safety for the At Risk Population (USDA)
Practical information to help reduce the risk of foodborne illness for those who are at risk.
Listen to the podcast or read the script (6:31 minutes)

AIDSFood Safety for People with HIV/AIDS
A need-to-know guide for people who have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
CancerFood Safety for People with Cancer
A need-to-know guide for people who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Food Safety for People with Cancer (USDA)
Precautions that people with cancer should take to avoid foodborne illness.
Listen to the podcast or read the script (6:31 minutes)
DiabetesFood Safety for People with Diabetes
A need-to-know guide for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Food Safety for People with Diabetes (USDA)
Precautions that people with diabetes should take to avoid foodborne illness.
Listen to the podcast or read the script (6:37 minutes)
Transplant RecipientsFood Safety for Transplant Recipients
A need-to-know guide for people who have received bone marrow or solid organ transplants.
Food Safety for Transplant Recipients (USDA)
Transplant recipients are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses.
Listen to the podcast or read the script (6:46 minutes)

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