viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

CAM: Alternative Medical Systems in Cancer - National Cancer Institute

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CAM: Alternative Medical Systems in Cancer - National Cancer Institute

National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health

Alternative Medical Systems in Cancer

Information about the use of acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, and other systems that developed earlier than and apart from standard cancer care in the United States.
On this page:


Clinical Trials for Acupuncture Therapy

Find Clinical Trials for Acupuncture Therapy
Check for U.S. clinical trials about acupuncture from NCI’s list of cancer clinical trials that are now accepting participants. The list of trials can be further narrowed by location, drug, intervention, and other criteria.

General Information on Alternative Medical Systems

In addition to cancer-related information on alternative medical systems, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) provides general information about alternative medical systems. Learn more from NCCAM about:
  • Ayurvedic Medicine - Integrates and balances the body, mind, and spirit to help prevent illness and promote wellness. 
  • Homeopathic Medicine - Uses homeopathy for wellness and prevention and to treat many diseases and conditions.
  • Naturopathic Medicine -  Supports health rather than combating disease. 
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - Describes traditional medical practices and theories originating in China, including acupuncture, massage, qi gong, and herbal medicine. 

Clinical experts from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center describe acupuncture, discuss the benefits and risks, and share patient testimonies.

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