miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013

Rare Disease Day 2013 - Downloads

Rare Disease Day 2013 - Downloads

What is rare Disease Day?
In the photo above is just one idea of what  you can do with the Rare Disease Day logo to spread the word and raise awareness about rare diseases on Rare Disease Day 2013.
Below we've provided you with all the communication tools for download.
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and keep up to date with Rare Disease Day 2013 activities around the world.

Logos, Banners & Badges

Rare Disease Day logo

The Rare Disease Day logo is a non-commercial symbol of global partnership in the search for ways of improving the lives of those affected by rare diseases, we ask only that the logo be displayed in the spirit in which it was intended.

Email Banner

Email banner (JPG - 468 x 70px - 32 Ko)

Social Networks

Use a Rare Disease Day profile badge or banner on your Facebook page!Rare disease day facebook

Profile picture (JPG - 180x180 - 12 Ko)

Banner (JPG - 851x315 - 95 Ko)
Where to put the profile picture and the banner on my Facebook page?

Use a Rare Disease Day badge for your Twitter account!
twitter Rarediseaseday

Rare Disease Day Twitter
Twitter profile picture (JPG - 128x128 - 5 Ko)


The poster can be downloaded in PDF and PSD formats. rare disease day poster 2013

Rare Disease Day flyer

General information about Rare Disease Day.
Rare Disease Day 2013 flyer
Download the flyer (2 Mo) 

Info Pack

The Info Pack gives you background information on Rare Disease Day and will help you understand the choices made and how they will help us achieve our awareness raising goal
Info Pack format (1,12 Mo)

Slide / HD Frame

An image for your presentations or videos:
Download the HD Frame (JPG - 1920 x 1080 - 898 Ko)

EURORDIS and National Alliances for rare diseases are inviting all patient organisations, caregivers, researchers, public authorities and companies developing orphan products to join in this observance. The purpose is to focus attention on rare diseases, the challenges encountered by those affected, and the inequalities that rare disease patients face every day. Want to organise an awareness-raising event? Contact your National Alliance.
You're a European organisation and your country doesn't have a National Alliance or a country organiser? You can still get involved, contact EURORDIS at: rarediseaseday@eurordis.org
Want to show your support of this special Day? Add your name to the list of 'Friends of Rare Disease Day'.

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