miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

IRDiRC Conference 2013 - Welcome

IRDiRC Conference 2013 - Welcome

Welcome to the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium Conference 2013
The International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) was launched in April 2011 to foster international collaboration in rare diseases research.
IRDiRC will team up researchers and organisations investing in rare diseases research in order to deliver 200 new therapies for rare diseases and means to diagnose most rare diseases by the year 2020. The IRDiRC Conference 2013 will be held in Dublin, Ireland on 16-17 April 2013 and will be organised by the European Commission in association with the Irish presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Conference aims and scope
The conference aims to gather stakeholders from across the globe active in the rare disease area. A top-level programme with a clear research focus will take stock of advances toward IRDiRC goals. There will also be ample opportunities to network with the international rare disease community and a poster session will showcase results from research projects funded by IRDiRC members.
Who should attend?
The conference is open to everyone interested in rare disease research. During an initial registration period, a preference will be given to participants of research projects funded by IRDiRC members.

Eurordis, Rare Diseases Europe 

The voice of rare disease patients in Europe


International rare disease events

April 2013

3rd Annual World Orphan Drug Congress

9-11 April, Washington D.C., USA www.terrapinn.com

4th International Patient Congress and the International Research Conference

11-13 April, Barcelona, Spain   www.alpha-1barcelona2013.org

First GENCODYS International Conference: Integrative Networks in Intellectual Disabilities

14-17 April , Paphos, Cyprus http://www.gencodys.eu


Save the date! 1st Conference of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC)

16-17 April, Dublin, Ireland, http://jk-events.com/IRDiRC2013/


World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH): World Hemophilia Day 2013 & 13th International Musculoskeletal Congress

17 – 21 April, Chicago, USA, http://www.wfh.org/en/news--events/events/world-hemophilia-day-2013-en &  http://www.wfh.org/en/page.aspx?pid=771

May 2013

7th Alstrom Syndrome International Family Conference and Scientific Symposium

9-13 May, Massachusetts, USA, alstrom.org

International Meeting of Porphyria Patients

Saturday, 18th of May 2013 in Lucerne, Switzerland, www.porphyrinsandporphyrias.org/

Autoinflammation 2013: 7th International Congress of the International Society of Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases

22- 26 May, Lausanne, Switzerland www.autoinflammation2013.com

EURORDIS Membership Meeting 2013 Dubrovnik

May 30 – June 1st, 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia http://www.eurordis.org/content/membership-meetings

June 2013

4th International DSD (Disorders of Sex Development) Symposium

7-9 June, Glasgow, Scotland http://www.gla.ac.uk

12th European Symposium on Congenital Anomalies

12-14 June, Zagreb, Croatia  www.eurocat2013.com

World Orphan Drug Congress Asia

18 June, Singapore http://www.terrapinn.com

6th International Conference on Children's Bone Health

22-25 June, Rotterdam, Netherlands  http://www.iccbh.org

DIA 2013 49th Annual Meeting: Advancing Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science

23-27 June, Boston, USA, www.diahome.org

Fifth BHD Symposium-Second HLRCC Symposium in Paris

June 28 - 29, 2013, www.BHD-HLRCC-sympo2013.com

July 2013 

8th International Prader-Willi Syndrome Conference

17-21 July, Cambridge UK ipwso.org

September 2013

Orphan Drugs Summit 2013

11-13 September, Copenhagen, Denmark www.orphandrugssummit.com


2nd Conference of 'EB-CLINET - Clinical Network of EB Centres and Experts'

17-18 September,  Salzburg, Austria  http://www.eb-clinet.org

October 2013

Mitochondrial Disease: Translating biology into new treatments

2-4 October, Cambridge, UK

7th Annual Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference

3-5 October, London, UK /www.guysandstthomasevents.co.uk


Annual  EHC Conference – European Haemophilia Consortium

4-6 October, Bucharest, Romania www.ehc.eu

ESH International Conference on Multiple Myeloma

4-6 October, Dublin, Ireland, http://www.esh.org

3rd European Rett Syndrome Conference Maastricht

17-19 October, Maastricht, The Netherlands, www.erscm.eu

Thalassemia International Federation World Congress

19-23 October 2013, Abu Dhabi www.tif2013.org

November 2013

First International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress (IPIC)

7-8 November, Estoril, Portugal, http://www.ipic2013.com/

4th Annual World Orphan Drug Congress Europe

14-15 November, Geneva, Switzerland,  www.terrapinn.com

March 2014

2nd International Congress on Research of Rare and Orphan Diseases RE(ACT) Congress 2014 to be held at in

5 – 8 March, Basel, Switzerland, react-congress.org

May 2014

7th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products

8-10 May, Berlin, Germany

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