viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Health Communication Science Digest – September 2013

Health Communication Science Digest – September 2013
Dear colleagues,
The September issue of Health Communication Science Digest (HCSD or Digest) is now available at
This month we congratulate our CDC colleagues Cindy Gelb (NCCDPHP/DCPC) and Lindsey Polonec (NCCDPHP/DCH) who are coauthors of the paper “Can donated media placements reach intended audiences?” published in Health Promotion Practice.
Also in the Digest this month, there are several papers examine aspects of public health communication practice (Brownson et al.; Harris et al.; Kim & Wertz; Saffer et al.). Health message design and presentation considerations are highlighted in several studies (Chen & Lurie; Downs et al.; Keer et al.; Quick) while others explore health message targeting and tailoring (Cooper et al.; Kunkel et al.; Lustia et al.; Masuda et al; Small et al.). Aspects of health literacy are discussed by several authors (Estacio; Gillis et al.; Parker et al.; Protheroe et al.; Rudd; Smith et al.). Crisis and risk health communication is the focus of some reports (Freberg, Palenchar, & Veil; Freberg et al.; van der Meer & Verhoeven) and new media of others (Lee & Oh; Pearce & Rice; Suffoletto et al.).
Please remember that you can access all issues of the “Health Communication Science Digest” series online via the searchable Health Communication Science Digest Archive.
We hope that you find the Health Communication Science Digest useful and invite you to provide us with feedback for improvement. Please send us articles that you would like to share with others—articles you or your colleagues have published or found useful.
Please send your comments and questions to
We wish you much success in your public health work!
Doğan Eroğlu
Associate Director for Communication Science
Office of the Associate Director for Communication
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

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