jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Tenure Across Borders - Team Science Toolkit

Tenure Across Borders - Team Science Toolkit

Tenure Across Borders

Berrett D. Tenure Across Borders. Inside Higher Ed.
For many full-time faculty members who have not earned tenure, the prospect of conducting interdisciplinary research or collaborating across departments can be, professionally speaking, a risky gambit. This article addresses the issue of Promotion and Tenure policies, and their relationshi to interdisciplinary research and team research. The author describes how, in January 2011, USC's University Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure, a group of full professors that advises the president, produced a new manual that spells out how tenure and promotion should be determined, which included language on interdisciplinary and collaborative work. Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/07/22/usc_rewards_collaborative_and_interdisciplinary_work_among_faculty#ixzz2dO5iA1vX Inside Higher Ed

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