viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Recovery Month's New Media Newsletter for November

Join the Voices for Recovery: together on pathways to wellness November 2013 National Recovery Month
Recovery Month New Media E-Newsletter

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Crowdspeaking:  Amplify your social voice for a cause using Thunderclap
Social media connects us. It allows us to explore and share our thoughts, information, and stories. In the same way, it also unites us. Thunderclap, a crowdspeaking platform that launched last year, capitalizes on the power of social networks by enabling thousands of people to share the same message at the same time through their Twitter, Facebook, and/or Tumblr profiles. Essentially, it unites passionate people around the same cause.
ThunderclapThunderclap was built on the idea that each social media user has an invaluable network they tap into every time they post. If users lend their social media footprint to a synchronized campaign across various networks, that message can travel further and build even greater awareness than it would if it were posted by individuals at varying times. Brands and organizations have begun to capitalize on the unifying power of Thunderclap. For World Hunger Day on October 16, people and organizations across the world united in an effort to end hunger. Many of these organizations turned to Thunderclap to help expand the reach and encourage millions of people to join the movement. Using Thunderclap, World Food Day USA, an organization with only 4,000 Twitter followers, was able to spread its World Hunger Day message to 985,000 others across Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Earlier this year, the White House used Thunderclap to generate awareness and support for its #NowIsTheTime hashtag. This Thunderclap campaign reached more than 16 million unique individuals when 18,000 supporters signed up to support the post that was sent out on April 17.
If you are interested in participating or creating a Thunderclap for your organization, visit The process is simple and free. We’ve also included tips below to explain how you can experiment with Thunderclap for your organization. If you do check it out, we would love to hear about it – leave us a message on Facebook or email us at

Creating your first Thunderclap is easy and free. Read our tips below that outline important elements for any Thunderclap campaign. We’ve even included examples to help you promote a recovery-related cause via Thunderclap. Read Thunderclap’s Getting Started Guide for more detailed information.

  1. Craft your message.  Your message should be clear, actionable, and less than 140 characters, so it can be distributed on Twitter. While the message must be short, it should also be simple. People should immediately recognize and understand the cause they are supporting when they see your post in their feed. Example: Spread the message: Prevention works. Treatment is effective. #PeopleRecover! Celebrate @RecoveryMonth all year round.
  2. Choose a deadline.  Think about a time that will be the most impactful for your cause. For example, if your Thunderclap supports recovery, an ideal time to post might be at the start of National Recovery Month, on September 1.
  3. Set a goal.  Determine the number of participants you want to join your Thunderclap based on your existing social reach and the time and resources you have to promote. Setting a reasonable goal (e.g., 100 supporters) is important because it helps participants feel they are making a notable contribution by donating a social post.
  4. Make a plan and promote.   Spread the word about your Thunderclap, so that people are aware of it and participate. Don’t wait until you are close to the deadline to promote – start promoting the day you create your Thunderclap. You might email, post on your social properties, and/or embed information about Thunderclap on your organization’s website to spread the word.

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