sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Ivanhoe Top 10 Viewed Stories 1/31/2014

Medical Breakthroughs: Ivanhoe Insider
Reported by Ivanhoe Broadcast News
This Week's Top 10 Viewed Stories
         1. Mediterranean Diet Associated with Lower Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - Researchers at the University of Navarra, in Pamplona, Spain, have found a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts or extra-virgin olive oil can do more than reduce heart attack and stroke. Randomized trials conducted from October 2003 until December 2010 have shown the diet can also lower the risk of peripheral artery disease (PAD).
         2. Many Women Still Unaware of Fertility Issues
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - Half of reproductive-age women have never discussed fertility with their medical provider, is just one of many findings from a new survey from Yale University.
         3. Gut Bacteria: The Secret Weapon to Weight Loss? (2nd week)
NEW YORK, N.Y. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - More than one third of U.S. adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now, we’re learning what could be a major factor when it comes to how much you weigh.
         4. Biological Process for Irregular Heartbeat Discovered (2nd week)
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - Researchers from Canada have pinpointed the exact process believed to cause heart arrhythmias.
         5. DDT Exposure: Risk Factor for Alzheimer’s?
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - New research shows that patients with Alzheimer’s disease have significantly higher levels of DDE, the long-lasting metabolite of the pesticide DDT, in their blood than healthy people.
         6. Unexpected Consequences from Hip Surgery: Uneven Limbs
CHICAGO, Ill. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - More than 300,000 hip replacement surgeries are performed each year and by 2030 that number is expected to nearly double. However, as those numbers grow, so do the chances of complications, like one leg being longer or shorter than the other.
         7. Gene Suppression Stops Cancer Growth
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - Researchers from Wales have identified a key gene in breast cancer cells and found when they suppressed the gene, cancer growth reduced by 80 percent.
         8. Gut Bacteria: The Secret Weapon to Weight Loss? - Research Summary (2nd week)
BACKGROUND: Trillions of bacteria that live in the gut-helping digest foods, making amino acids, and making some vitamins - may help determine if a person is thin or fat. Diet is also a huge factor as to why obesity is linked to gut bacteria. Those who are overweight lack bacteria that fight weight gain.
         9. What to eat to Protect against Type 2 Diabetes (2nd week)
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - New research shows that eating high levels of flavonoids including anthocyanins and other compounds found in tea, berries, and chocolate could offer protection from type 2 diabetes.
         10. Walk yourself Healthy
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - Can’t motivate yourself to get to the gym? Or having a hard time sticking to that running schedule? Recent research suggests just plain walking can have a profound impact on your health.

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