miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

C. neoformans cryptococcosis | Fungal Diseases | CDC

C. neoformans cryptococcosis | Fungal Diseases | CDC

C. neoformans cryptococcosis

A photomicrograph of Cryptococcus neoformans using a light India ink staining preparation. Credit: CDC/ Dr. Leanor Haley.
A photomicrograph ofCryptococcus neoformansusing a light India ink staining preparation.
Cryptococcosis is an infection caused by fungi that belong to the genus Cryptococcus. There are over 30 different species ofCryptococcus, but two species – Cryptococcus neoformans andCryptococcus gattii – cause nearly all cryptococcal infections in humans and animals. Although many people who develop cryptococcosis have weakened immune systems, some are previously healthy.
C. neoformans can be found in soil throughout the world. People at risk can become infected after inhaling microscopic, airborne fungal spores. Sometimes these spores cause symptoms of a lung infection, but other times there are no symptoms at all. In people with weakened immune systems, the fungus can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious disease.
For other Fungal topics, visit the Fungal Homepage.

C. neoformans cryptococcosis Topics

A green icon of a pencil and note pad.Definition
What is C. neoformanscryptococcosis?…
A green icon of a stethoscope.Symptoms
Shortness of breath, cough, and fever…
A green icon representing risk and preventionRisk & Prevention
Who gets it and how it can be prevented…
A green icon of a petri dish.Sources of Infection
Inhalation of spores from the environment…
A green icon of a microscope.Diagnosis & Testing
See your health care provider, sample tissue, clinical diagnosis…
A green icon representing prescription drugs.Treatment & Outcomes
Antifungal treatment, mortality rate…
A green icon of the caduceus.Screening
Combating the global burden of cryptococcal meningitis
A green icon of a horizontal bar chart.Statistics
Incidence, surveillance…
A green icon with a magnifying glass and foot print.Training resources
Materials for implementing cryptococcal screening…
A green icon of a open textbook.Additional Information
Articles, publications…


Cryptococcus in Persons Living with HIV

Cryptococcal meningitis is a leading cause of death among persons living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. CDC is helping to start programs that will reduce the number of deaths from this infection. Until now, diagnosis and treatment guidelines have not been targeted at resource-limited countries. CDC has partnered withWHOExternal Web Site Icon and leading international experts to develop new guidelines Adobe PDF file [PDF - 44 pages]External Web Site Icon , which target the realities faced in resource-limited settings, and are the first to recommend screening for cryptococcal disease.

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