miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconference March 11, 2014, 2:00–3:00pm (EDT)

Vital Signs Town Hall logo

Join CDC subject matter experts 
and other public health professionals 
for a town hall teleconference on
Improving Antibiotic 
Prescribing in Hospitals

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 • 2:00–3:00 pm (EDT)
InviteesEach month’s teleconference provides a forum for state, tribal, local and territorial health, policy, and communication officials to broaden the conversation, build momentum, and ensure active implementation of evidence-based, effective programs within the public health areas covered byVital Signs.
The Vital Signs report is available on the CDC website the first Tuesday of every month.
Speakers and topics subject to change. Always check the Vital Signs town hall teleconference website to get the most up-to-date information.
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