jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

CDC Learning Connection: What's New For April 2014

CDC Learning Connection: What's New For April 2014

CDC Learning Connection banner

Spotlight on the Quick-Learn Design Toolkit

Quick-Learn Design Toolkit
In February 2014, the CDC Learning Connection announced the release of the Quick-Learn Design Toolkit. This toolkit was created to help instructional designers and web developers create Quick-Learn lessons. These e-learning lessons address one or two learning objectives and take less than 20 minutes to complete. Through responsive web design techniques, learners access the lessons via desktop computers and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Use the Quick-Learn Design Toolkit and create your own Quick-Learn lesson. Let us know about the Quick-Learns you create and we may share them on the CDC Learning Connection.

Are you a Certified Public Health (CPH) Professional?

The National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE) now accepts CDC continuing education units (CEU) for CPH recertification. Visit CDC’sTCEOnline to locate courses that offer CEUs. To learn more about becoming certified or for assistance calculating recertification credits, visit NBPHE.

Preparing for Public Health Emergencies

CDC provides funding for 14 Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLCs) throughout the United States.  PERLCs collaborate across public health networks to
  • Develop risk assessment tools;
  • Design training and education resources; and
  • Provide planning, exercise, and response consultations that address the needs of state, local, and tribal public health authorities.
Each PERLC has a special niche in the emergency preparedness learning community. PERLCs have developed population-based resources to meet the unique needs of rural public health authorities, tribal communities, and at-risk groups. Read about some of the many PERLC successes.

Send Your Ideas to Improve CDC Learning Connection

CDC Learning Connection
CDC Learning Connection strives to provide the most current public health learning opportunities and educational resources. Please send your ideas on how we can improve the site to learning@cdc.gov.

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