sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction | Features | CDC

Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction | Features | CDC


Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction

Photo: Construction worker on ladder with nail gun

Construction contractors can prevent falls from heights. Plan ahead for safety before every job. Be sure to provide the right equipment for the job, and train workers to use it safely.
More construction workers die from falls than from any other on-the-job injury. Falls account for one-third of the work-related deaths suffered by construction workers. Almost two-thirds of those fatal falls were from roofs, scaffolds, and ladders. More deaths, and the many non-fatal injuries caused by falls each year, can be prevented.
The National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction first launched on April 26, 2012. The campaign encourages residential-construction contractors, workers, and others in the industry to work safely at heights and use the right equipment.

Safety Pays. Falls Cost.

The best in the business play it safe. Contractors can prevent falls from heights on their worksites by:
  • Planning ahead to do the job safely before starting each and every job.
  • Providing the right equipment for working at heights.
  • Training workers to use the equipment properly and to work safely on roofs, ladders, and scaffolds.

Photo: A construction worker on a ladderThe National Campaign

This national campaign to address this top priority for reducing construction-worker deaths and non-fatal injuries is led by a government-labor-management partnership. The members are the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training (the NIOSH-supported National Construction Center); the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at the federal and state levels; and state health departments, private industry, trade associations, academia, and professional and labor organizations.
The campaign was conceived and planned by the Construction Sector Council, a multi-stakeholder group convened by the NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda Program (NORA). The council was formed to set goals and priorities for construction safety and health research and practice. Reducing construction-worker injuries and deaths from falls is the first goal of the Construction Research Agenda and the national campaign has been a priority for meeting that goal.

Join the Campaign!

We need your help. Visit StopConstructionFalls.com for posters, training materials, and more information about how to be a partner in the campaign. The site, hosted by CPWR—The Center for Construction Research and Training, is the central resource for campaign information. Set up an RSS feed so you can stay informed of the latest events and new materials.
Campaign partners can:
  • Help us get the word out! Put a campaign link on your website, an announcement in your newsletter, a post on your Facebook page.
  • Produce and distribute campaign materials.
  • Promote, host, or sponsor trainings, demonstrations, or other campaign-related events.
  • Reach out to new partners in government, labor, and industry.
  • Assist with evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign.
When you join the campaign, we will…
  • Help you produce campaign-branded materials
  • Help you plan campaign-related events
  • Connect you with other campaign partners in your region
  • List your organization on the StopConstructionFalls.com website

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