viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

CDC - Know:BRCA - Know:Your Risk Infographic

CDC - Know:BRCA - Know:Your Risk Infographic

Know:BRCA - Know:Your Risk Infographic

Infographic: Know your risk. If one of your parents has a b r c a gene mutation (change), there's a 50% chance you have it too. Talk to your doctor about your own risk for having a b r c a mutation. Visit w w w dot c d c dot gov slash cancer slash breast slash young underscore women, follow @ c d c underscore cancer on Twitter, or call 1 800 c d c info for more information.

Know your risk. If one of your parents has a BRCA gene mutation (change), there's a 50% chance you have it too. Talk to your doctor about your own risk for having a BRCA mutation.

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