domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

CDC - Vision Health Initiative (VHI)

CDC - Vision Health Initiative (VHI)

The Economic Burden of Vision Loss and Eye Disorders in the United States – Total $139 Billion [PDF–1.3M]

Economic Impact of Vision Loss: $139 billion; Productivity: $48.4 billion; Medical = $65 billion; Long Term Care - $20.2 billion; Other Indirect costs - $3.5 billion; Other direct - $1.7 billion
Wittenborn, John S. & Rein, David B. “Cost of Vision Problems: The Economic Burden of Vision Loss and Eye Disorders in the United States.” NORC at the University of Chicago. Prepared for Prevent Blindness America, Chicago, IL. June 11, 2013. http://costofvision.preventblindness.orgExternal Web Site Icon.

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