New Molecular Features of Colorectal Cancer Identified
CPTAC researchers report first large-scale integrated proteomic and genomic analysis of a human cancer.
Integrated proteomic and genomic analysis of colorectal cancer - National Cancer InstituteCommunity Resource Launched to Aid Researchers Studying the Proteome
NCI has launched an interactive online resource to help researchers find, use, contribute, and comment on methods to measure proteins (the proteome). These and other methods are leading to a better understanding of the molecular basis of cancer.

The landing page of the portal is designed to be friendly to the biologist, enabling easy query of the MRM database for validated assays to proteins involved in specific cellular pathways or protein complexes, proteins whose genes map to specific chromosomal regions, or proteins associated with specified Gene Ontologies. The back end of the portal is designed to be friendly to the analytical chemist, providing assay validation data and associated SOPs for implementing the assays, the ability to view MRM data via Panorama, and the ability to download assay methods via a Skyline document.
An user rating and wiki is also available for the community to exchange information about how specific assays behave in others’ laboratories or previously uncharacterized matrices. An Assay Characterization Guidance Document is posted on the portal, with assay validation requirements and instructions for the community to submit their own MRM assays and help to grow and maintain high quality of the resource.
I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the state of Science, whatever the matter may be.
Lord Kelvin
PLA, vol. 1, Electrical Units of Measurement (1883)
PLA, vol. 1, Electrical Units of Measurement (1883)
TCGA Proteomics: Ovarian Cancer Data Released
Ovarian cancer proteomic, phosphoproteomic and glycoproteomic data from the analysis of TCGA ovarian tumors is now available at the CPTAC Data Portal.
Click here to find out more information.
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