Reviews, News & Commentaries
Harmful mutations can fly under the radar.
Kelly Servick. Science, September 19, 2014
Kelly Servick. Science, September 19, 2014
I wake up screening.
Tony Delamothe BMJ 2014; 349
Tony Delamothe BMJ 2014; 349
Patient-contributed tumor genetics data: A pathway to better drug development
Yair Benita et al. AJMC, September 19, 2014
Yair Benita et al. AJMC, September 19, 2014
Sequencing pools of individuals — mining genome-wide polymorphism data without big funding
Christian Schlötterer et al. Nature Rev Genetics, September 14, 2014
Christian Schlötterer et al. Nature Rev Genetics, September 14, 2014
The epigenetic basis of common human disease.
NIH Videocast, by Andy Feinberg, June 2014
Cancer genome sequencing will mean more targeted therapies,
by Elaine Shattner, Forbes, Sep 24
EmTech: Illumina says 228,000 human genomes will be sequenced this year,
by Antonio Regalado, MIT Technology Review, Sep 24
Big data and full-genome analysis not all they're cracked up to be,
by Walter Gilbert, Medical Xpress, Sep 23
Celebrity impact on UK familial breast cancer referrals,
by Philippa Brice, PHG Foundation, Sep 23
Finding risks, not answers, in gene tests,
by Denise Grady and Andrew Pollack, New York Times, Sep 22
Nature vs nurture, and human behavior: where’s the science?
By Ken Weiss, Mermaid Tale Blog, Sept 22
Insurance coverage could be obstacle to genetic testing that could warn of breast cancer risk,
East Idaho News, Sep 19
Genetic testing for all: Is it eugenics?
By Ricki Lewis, PLoS Blogs, Sep 18
Do physicians think genomic medicine will be useful for patient care?
Medscape, Sep [by free subscription only]
Study shows how epigenetic memory is passed across generations
Researchers traced markers of gene repression through cell division and showed that both sperm and eggs transmit a memory of gene repression to embryos. By Tim Stephens, USC Santa Cruz, Sep 18
Researchers traced markers of gene repression through cell division and showed that both sperm and eggs transmit a memory of gene repression to embryos. By Tim Stephens, USC Santa Cruz, Sep 18
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