sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

CDC MMWR News Synopsis for November 5, 2015

MMWR- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
MMWR News Synopsis for November 5, 2015

Seizures in Children and Adolescents Aged 6–17 Years — United States, 2010–2014

Seizures affect nearly 1 in 100 children. It is important to educate new parents and school personnel about the risk of seizures and how to recognize them. Parents and schools should connect families of children with seizures to health and social services providers. Data from the 2010-2014 National Health Interview Survey indicate that seizures, a short change in normal brain activity, affect 336,000 or 0.7 percent of US children and adolescents aged 6–17 years. Compared to children and adolescents without seizures, those with seizures were more likely to have co-occurring conditions, live in families at lower income levels, and have unmet social and health care needs. Public health agencies can work with other health and human service agencies to raise awareness about seizures in children (e.g., educate parents and school personnel), implement strategies to prevent known causes and risk factors for seizures (e.g., head injuries), and link children with seizures to appropriate clinical and community providers.

Gestational Weight Gain — United States, 2012–2013

Overall, only 32 percent of women had gestational weight gain within recommendations and, in 17 states, 50 percent or more gained above recommendations. These data indicate intensified, multifaceted strategies are needed to increase the proportion of pregnant woman gaining weight within recommendations. The weight a woman gains during pregnancy, called gestational weight gain (GWG), has important health implications for mother and child. Recommendations from the Institute of Medicine balance risks associated with too little or too much GWG. To estimate state-specific proportions of women with GWG below, within, or above recommendations, CDC analyzed data for women delivering full-term, singleton infants in 46 states, New York City (NYC) and the District of Columbia. Overall, 32 percent of women had GWG within recommendations. The proportion of women with GWG below and above recommendations varied by state: in 20 states and NYC, 20 percent or more gained below and, in 17 states, 50 percent or more gained above. In almost every state, women overweight prior to pregnancy had the highest prevalence of excessive GWG.

Notes from the Field:
  • Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis Associated with International Hot Spring Exposure — Seminole County, Florida, July 2014

  • Average Age at Death from HIV Disease, by Sex—United States, 1987–2013

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