martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

November is National Diabetes Month

Office of Women's Health, FDA
November 2015

November is National Diabetes Month

This Diabetes Awareness Month, FDA's Office of Women’s Health (OWH) wants to remind you of the college women who are managing their diabetes on campus. College may be the first time young women have to manage their diabetes on their own.
With the increasing numbers of young adults living with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, it is important for college health professionals to be prepared with resources to support these students. FDA OWH’s Women and Diabetes webpage has tips and resources college women with diabetes can use to manage their condition. 
4 ways to participate. 

1. Link to the Women and Diabetes webpage.
2. Send a tweet to your campus community.
3. Re-pin our Glucose Meters pin to your Pinterest board:
4. Order free bulk copies of diabetes educational resources.
Want to receive a free cardboard stand? Send in your collaboration form today! 

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