lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Journey through the clinics - The experience of a woman with BRCA2. - PubMed - NCBI

Journey through the clinics - The experience of a woman with BRCA2. - PubMed - NCBI

 2015 Dec;21(4):158-60. doi: 10.1177/2053369115611015.

Journey through the clinics - The experience of a woman with BRCA2.


Being told that you carry the gene abnormality for breast cancer is hard enough, then being told that you need surgery that will render you menopausal at a young age makes life even harder. Trying to navigate through the NHS, the genetics service, the gynaecology clinics, the gynaecology surgery, primary care services and finally menopause clinics has highlighted the need for cohesive and consistent advice for such women. This woman reports on her personal, generally positive, experience of this journey.
© The Author(s) 2015.


Breast cancer; HRT; menopause

[PubMed - in process]

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