martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Advance care plans: 3 tips

e-Update from the National Institute on Aging

Advance care planning involves learning, thinking, and communicating about your medical care at the end of life.  Here are 3 tips to help you get started.

  1. Learn: Talk with your doctor about end of life care options
  2. Think:  What makes life meaningful for you?
  3. Act: Make your wishes known

Inspire others to plan for the future with these social media messages:
  • Facing #endoflife questions may be tough, but document your wishes as a gift to your loved ones. Find out how:
  • Plan for the future—set up #advancecare directives so your family knows your wishes in an emergency. Get tips:
  • Already have #advancedirectives? Remember to update them over time! Learn more here:

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