domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

Taking it Personally: Personalized Utilization of the Human Microbiome in Health and Disease: Cell Host & Microbe

Taking it Personally: Personalized Utilization of the Human Microbiome in Health and Disease: Cell Host & Microbe

Taking it Personally: Personalized Utilization of the Human Microbiome in Health and Disease





6Co-first author
7Co-senior author

The genomic revolution enabled the clinical inclusion of an immense body of person-specific information to an extent that is revolutionizing medicine and science. The gut microbiome, our “second genome,” dynamically integrates signals from the host and its environment, impacting health and risk of disease. Herein, we summarize how individualized characterization of the microbiome composition and function may assist in personalized diagnostic assessment, risk stratification, disease prevention, treatment decision-making, and patients’ follow up. We further discuss the limitations, pitfalls, and challenges that the microbiome field faces in integrating patient-specific microbial data into the clinical realm. Finally, we highlight how recent insights into personalized modulation of the microbiome, by nutritional and pre-, pro-, and post-biotic intervention, may lead to development of individualized approaches that may enable us to harness the microbiome as a central precision medicine target.

Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base (v1.0)

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Taking it Personally: Personalized Utilization of the Human Microbiome in Health and Disease

N Zmora et al, Cell, January 2016

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