lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Just Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Now What?

Just Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Now What?


Just Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Now What?

Woman writing a list and thinking

Your doctor just told you that you have type 2 diabetes. What happens now? Will you be able to eat food you enjoy? Will you need insulin or other medications? Will this lead to other health problems? 
There’s a lot of information out there, some reliable and some not. Meeting with a diabetes educator—often a nurse with specialized training—is the best way for newly diagnosed people to get the support they need, including guidance on how to:
  • Develop a healthy eating and activity plan.
  • Test your blood sugar and keep a record of the results.
  • Take medications if needed.
  • Recognize the signs of high or low blood sugar and what to do about it.
  • Monitor your feet, skin, and eyes to catch problems early.
  • Buy diabetes supplies and store them properly.
Ask your doctor to recommend a diabetes educator, or search the American Association of Diabetes Educators’ nationwide directory for a list of educators in your community.

For more information:   

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