lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your online source for credible health information.
Check out opportunities to 
promote sexual assault prevention and educate communities on stopping sexual violence before it starts.
Sexual Awareness Month banner
Thunderclap logo
Thunderclap to Prevent Sexual Assault
Sign up through April 27, 2016, at noon EDT
CDC’s Thunderclap
Share a sexual assault prevention message on Facebook or Twitter. This collective message blast will amplify our voices, helping many more people understand that sexual violence is preventable! The message will automatically post from your social media account on April 27th at noon EDT. Sign up.
VetoViolence icon
Participate in discussion about preventing sexual assault on CDC’s Facebook page dedicated to violence prevention. Get strategies that work, post lessons learned from your efforts, and share resources to build expertise and skills needed to stop sexual violence early in your community. Join conversation.
April is Sexual Awareness Month

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