miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

Diabetes at Work

Diabetes at Work


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May Is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month 

Employees who don't get enough physical activity may be risking your company's health bottom line. Physical inactivity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. These chronic conditions lower productivity, raise health care costs, and in the case of obesity, increase the likelihood of workplace injuries by nearly 50 percent.

The benefits of regular physical activity include: 
  • Feeling happier, less stressed, and mentally sharper.
  • Experiencing fewer sick days-people who exercise 5 or more days a week have 435 fewer sick days. 
  • Being more productive-people say they're 15% more productive on days they are physically active than on days when they aren't.  
Incorporate a few these activities to get your staff moving this month: 
  • Walking meetings: Build physical activity into your everyday meetings by walking instead of sitting. 
  • Stretch breaks: Encourage employees to stand up and stretch every 60 minutes. 
  • Move It Monday: Research shows that starting a habit on Monday can be seen as a fresh start and has significant cultural meaning. Click herefor activities to implement this coming Monday.  
Find more resources to engage employees: 

May Is Also Healthy Vision Month

Diabetes is the main cause of blindness among people younger than 74 years. 
These resources from the National Diabetes Education Program and the National Eye Institute can help you learn more about the link between diabetes and eye health and educate your employees on this vital topic: 

What's new...

Workplace Safety and Health

Explore ways that CDC works to keep America's businesses and employees safe and secure in this issue of Business Pulse. Issues addressed include health emergencies, flu outbreaks, travel health risks, foodborne illnesses, and many other health concerns.

Download the CDC's TravWell app to help your employees plan for safe and healthy international travel. The app is available on iTunes and Google Play store.

Ask the Expert

Answers to diabetes in the workplace questions

Question: I've heard it can be difficult to cope with the emotional side of diabetes. Where can I find resources to help employees deal with these issues?
Answer: People with diabetes often experience diabetes-related distress, which refers to the worries, stresses, and fears that can come with a chronic, life-threatening illness. It is a normal and expected reaction and is not considered a clinical disorder. When people with diabetes experience distress, they may feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day challenges of managing the disease. Their motivation for self-care may be low and may influence their eating patterns and physical activity levels. Feeling overwhelmed by diabetes can also lead to social isolation and harmful coping behaviors, such as tobacco use, eating disorders, and drug or alcohol abuse. 

Evidence also shows a link between depression and diabetes. People with diabetes may be at greater risk of depression than people who don't have the disease. Also, the chances of becoming depressed increase as a person develops more or worse diabetes complications. But the good news is that there are effective ways to reduce stress and depression. 

Learn more about diabetes and depression and use the Diabetes at Work lesson plan "Managing Stress and Emotional Well-being" to raise employee awareness. 

Have a question for our experts? Email us, and we'll respond within two days. 

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