sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Errata: Vol. 65, No. 18 | MMWR

Errata: Vol. 65, No. 18 | MMWR

MMWR Weekly
Vol. 65, No. 19
May 20, 2016
PDF of this issue

Errata: Vol. 65, No. 18

In the report, “Progress Toward Polio Eradication — Worldwide, 2015–2016,” on page 471, in Table 2, the title should have read “Number of reported poliovirus cases, by country — worldwide, January 1, 2015–May 4, 2016,” and the heading for the second column should have been “2015 (January–December).”
Suggested citation for this article: Errata: Vol. 65, No. 18. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:502. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6519a6.

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