viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

5 Things To Know About Complementary Health Approaches for Quitting Smoking | NCCIH

5 Things To Know About Complementary Health Approaches for Quitting Smoking | NCCIH

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

smoking cessation

If you’re a smoker and would like to quit, you have a lot of company. Nearly 70 percent of smokers want to quit, according to a national survey. Conventional quit-smoking approaches, including counseling and medication, can double or triple your chances of kicking the habit successfully.

Some people try complementary health approaches to help them quit. If you’re curious about these approaches, here’s what you need to know:
1.       A few studies have found that mind and body practices such as meditation-based therapies, yoga, and guided imagery (a relaxation technique) can help reduce cigarette use and cravings.
2.       There’s little evidence that other mind and body practices, including acupuncture and hypnosis, help. 
3.       There’s no evidence that any dietary supplement helps.

The mind and body practices discussed here are generally considered safe for healthy people when they’re performed appropriately.

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