sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017

Supporting World Cancer Day and National Cancer Prevention Month

BioMed Central – The Open Access Publisher
Supporting World Cancer Day and National Cancer Prevention Month


BioMed Central is proud to support World Cancer Day on Feb 4th, as well as the National Cancer Prevention Month in February.

World Cancer Day explores how everyone can do their part to reduce the impact that cancer has on the community. #WorldCancerDay#WeCanICan

National Cancer Prevention Month aims to promote a better lifestyle by eating healthy, being active and staying lean.

Visit our website for a curated selection of noteworthy articles covering the year's main themes.

Essential Articles on Cancer
Adjuvants for peptide-based cancer vaccines
Adjuvants for peptide-based cancer vaccines 
Hiep Khong and Willem W. Overwijk

All ready to submit a manuscript? Visit the membership page to check if your institution is a member and learn how you could save on article-processing charges (APCs).

Recommendations for Cancer Prevention
American Institute for Cancer Research sets out ten recommendationscan help you focus on what's most important to lower risk of cancer
1.Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat and avoid processed meat.
2.Be physically active every day in any way for 30 minutes or more.
3.Aim to maintain a healthy weight throughout life and more…

Reasons to Publish with Us
High quality peer-review service
Rapid publication upon acceptance
Expert international Editorial Board

Best wishes,

The BioMed Central Team

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