sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

NIAID Funding News - April 19, 2017


April 19, 2017 NIAID Funding News

Feature Articles 

Where Are They Now? NIAID’s Apply for a Grant Webpages

In Part III of our series about popular relocated content, we cover the Apply for a Grant section—located within the “Grants & Contracts” tab of the top navigation bar.

Opportunities and Resources

Another Chance To Join the CFAR Program

NIH’s Centers for AIDS Research program supports research coordination, emerging research opportunities, and shared core facilities among institutions that receive significant HIV/AIDS funding from NIH.

Provide Manufacturing and Characterization Services for Vaccines and Other Biologics

A new request for proposals seeks services to develop multiple vaccines and biologic candidates that emerge from third-party sources.

Contractors: New RFP for Developing Interventional Agents for Infectious Diseases

NIAID anticipates awarding 10 multiple award indefinite quantity contracts and expects the performance period to begin summer of 2018.

Grantees: Act Quickly To Take Advantage of Cancer Immunotherapy Opportunity

For a limited time, administrative supplements are available to fund collaborative pilot projects seeking to reduce the incidence or severity of auto-inflammatory or autoimmune adverse events following cancer immunotherapy.

In The News

Guidance on Citing Interim Research Products in NIH Grant Applications

Investigators who want to accelerate dissemination and enhance the rigor of their work can now cite interim research products anywhere other research products are cited in a grant application or progress report.

Coming Soon: Opportunity To Add Regenerative Medicine Component to Ongoing Research

The 21st Century Cures Act provides funding to further the field of regenerative medicine using adult stem cells, including autologous cells.

News Briefs

Advice Corner

Understanding Indirect Costs

Having trouble distinguishing between direct and indirect costs for your federally funded research project? We’ve listed a few key points to help you better understand the difference.

Reader Questions

New Funding Opportunities

See other announcements at Opportunities & Announcements.
Send suggestions or comments to deaweb@niaid.nih.gov.

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