viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 17 | MMWR

Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 17 | MMWR


MMWR Weekly
Vol. 66, No. 18
May 12, 2017

In the report “Vital Signs: Racial Disparities in Age-Specific Mortality Among Blacks or African Americans — United States, 1999–2015,” on page 446, under “Results,” the last sentence of the first paragraph should have read “Among adults aged ≥65 years, the death rate in 2015 relative to that in 1999 declined 27% for blacks and 17% for whites, resulting in a crossover in death rates after 2010, when blacks had lower age-specific death rates than whites.”
On page 447, the first sentence of the first paragraph should have read, “Among persons aged ≥65 years, there was a black-white mortality crossover, whereby blacks had slightly lower age-specific death rates than whites after 2010.”
Suggested citation for this article: Erratum: Vol. 66, No. 17. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:490. DOI:

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