sábado, 8 de julio de 2017

Community HealthSim | Features | CDC

Community HealthSim | Features | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Community HealthSim

Community HealthSim - Come learn about Vetoville and put your violence prevention knowledge to the test in this simulation.

The Community HealthSim is a violence prevention tool on CDC’s VetoViolence website. This game-like experience demonstrates the connections between violence and community issues, such as struggling businesses and schools, overcrowded jails, and long wait hours in the emergency room.
The simulation puts you in the driver’s seat of Vetoville. You can explore the town from the perspective of a “special advisor”—brought in to determine how to spend the town’s limited resources to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives there.
Then get a glimpse—20 years in the future—of how your choices and investments affect the long-term success of Vetoville. You will also see first-hand how these challenges are linked to violence in the community.
This engaging tool shows how many issues are related to violence in our communities. Ultimately, you will discover how planning and strategic action can prevent violence before it happens.

Who should visit Vetoville?

The Community HealthSim is designed for anyone interested in:
  • Preventing violence where they live, work, and play,
  • Putting their violence prevention knowledge to the test, and
  • Learning more about the connections between community issues and violence.

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