jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

Bright Eyes Complete Your Look | Contact Lenses | CDC

Bright Eyes Complete Your Look | Contact Lenses | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Bright Eyes Complete Your Look

Bright eyes complete your look. Don't overlook healthy contact lens wear and care.

Printable Posters

Bright Eyes Complete Your Look.

Don’t overlook healthy contact lens wear and care.

Poor contact lens wear and care habits can ruin your look with RED EYES AND lead to painful infections with lasting damage.
  1. REVITALIZE your eyes: Give your eyes a break. Don’t sleep in your contact lenses.
  2. SANITIZE your contacts: Clean your contacts properly. Don’t top off, or add old solution to new solution to store contact lenses.
  3. UTILIZE your supplies: Don’t wear your contact lenses or use your contact lens cases for longer than recommended.
Bright Eyes, Healthy Eyes.

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