domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Biobanks and Comprehensive Cancer Center Finland (FICAN) as institutions enabling clinical drug testing. - PubMed - NCBI

Biobanks and Comprehensive Cancer Center Finland (FICAN) as institutions enabling clinical drug testing. - PubMed - NCBI


Biobanks and Comprehensive Cancer Center Finland (FICAN) as institutions enabling clinical drug testing.


Clinical trials aiming at developing targeted drug therapies require the identification of appropriate patient groups, utilizing both clinical information and the biological profile of the disease. The Finnish healthcare system provides exceptional possibilities for utilizing health data in identifying patient groups, planning of clinical sample studies and recruiting patients. Biobanks established at university hospitals together with the regional cancer centers play a central role in collecting biological specimens and attaching health data to the specimens. Combined with longitudinal health data, the collections of tissue specimens obtained in connection with the diagnosis offer versatile possibilities for the development of companion diagnostics of targeted drugs. Specimens collected on the basis of informed consent in connection with diagnosis and treatment enable the identification of patients suitable for drug trials, and a contact according to the consent. In the development of new functions, national collaboration - both geographical and between research infrastuctures - becomes of paramount importance. Combining the resources of biobanks, the genome strategy and the Comprehensive Cancer Center, an enabling legislation and, above all, patients with a positive attitude towards examinations, offer excellent possibilities for Finland to become the model country of individualized treatment.


[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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