viernes, 5 de enero de 2018

New Resources for Disaster Survivors

Check Out New Resources for Disaster Survivors
s a m h s a

New Resources for Disaster Survivors

Over the past several months, our country has experienced multiple disasters ranging from hurricanes to mass shootings to wildfires. For many people in the affected communities, this is not the first time a traumatic event has touched their lives. Survivors who have lived through multiple disasters may be experiencing the effects of retraumatization. 
Retraumatization means reliving stress reactions experienced as a result of a traumatic event when faced with a new, similar incident. Even people who just witnessed the disaster via television or social media may be affected after exposure to multiple disasters.
To help survivors cope with their emotions and get through this challenging time, SAMHSA’s Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC) has developed a new tip sheet called Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event: Coping With Retraumatization.

View the Tip Sheet

During your disaster outreach, you may work with survivors in need of more disaster recovery resources and information. If so, a new DTAC webpage, Recovering From Disasters, features information on disaster reactions, phases of disaster, suggestions for coping after a disaster, and links to helpful recovery resources.

Visit the Webpage

If you have questions or would like more information on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, contact the SAMHSA DTAC team or 1-800-308-3515. 

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