jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

AACR Annual Meeting 2018

AACR Annual Meeting 2018

American Association for Cancer Research

AACR Annual Meeting 2018

April 14 - 18, 2018
McCormick Place North/South
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, January 24
Advance registration deadline: Monday, February 5

AACR Annual Meeting 2018

Driving Innovative Cancer Science to Patient Care 
April 14-18, 2018
McCormick Place North/South
Chicago, Illinois
Program Committee ChairElaine R. Mardis, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio
Since the last Annual Meeting, we have witnessed another dramatic wave of progress against cancer, from exciting basic science findings, to new drug approvals, expanded use of genomic data for precision medicine, and a greater focus on “big data” to accelerate progress in cancer research and in the clinic. Scientists are harnessing the power of mathematics, engineering, and artificial intelligence to diagnose cancer at an earlier stage. They are also concentrating their efforts on cancer in minorities and the medically underserved, working to eliminate the persistent disparities in cancer outcomes. All of these developments are reflected in the theme for the upcoming Annual Meeting: “Driving Innovative Cancer Science to Patient Care.” As we wind down our 110th Anniversary Year, this theme is a powerful reminder that at the heart of every scientific advance is a patient in urgent need of a cure.
Presentations at the Annual Meeting will cover the latest basic, translational, clinical, and prevention-focused research in the field, including important areas such as early detection, cancer interception, and survivorship in all populations. We will feature new sessions on cancer health disparities that have been inspired by one of the important AACR presidential initiatives. We will also be reprising a popular new feature from Annual Meeting 2017, “Unsolved Mysteries,” featuring provocative questions and their in-depth discussion by speakers and members of the audience.

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